The Kingdom of God!


Chapter 70



Isaiah 9:6 says,


"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."


Some 2000 years ago this event happens which we celebrate each year at this time. It's the Christmas holiday when we celebrate the birth of our savior and redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. Among all the hustle and bustle there is a spirit of love in the air at this time of the year when families get together to exchange gifts. The birth of Christ Jesus that night in Bethlehem brought the shepherds to the manger where the baby laid in a manger because the angels had appeared to them while they were watching their sheep. Luke 2:8-14 says,


"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."


Wow! How would you have liked to have been there and seen the heavenly host singing? This glorious event happened while the world was asleep. Little did they know that this baby would turn the world around and it would never be the same again. It took the wise men from the east almost two years to follow the star to where Jesus was now in a house when they arrived bringing gifts. We celebrate Christmas by giving one another gifts. When love comes into the world it brings a spirit of giving to each of us. So, at this time of year let's focus our minds on the real meaning of Christmas and share our lives with one another and allow the love of God to flood our hearts and pour out to those around about us.


We live in a dark world today and we can allow the love of Christ that is in our hearts flow out to others. Rhonda and I were eating at Mary Bees one day this week and our food was not the best and we had to send it back and a couple came over to our table and handed us a receipt for our meal. They had paid our meal and may the Lord's blessing be upon them. We all can pour out the love of God to one another if we will just take our eyes off the world.


I want to take this opportunity to declare to all of you that there will be peace and the good will of our Father manifested in the coming year. This is the season to rejoice! The great Apostle Paul was in prison because he spoke out for the Lord. In Acts 16:26-32, (NIV)


"The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten with rods. After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. When he received these orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone's chains came loose."


I know that this year may have been very hard for some of you, but you can be encouraged by this story about what Paul and Silas were put through because they stood in the face of the enemy and proclaimed the Lord Jesus and yet they were rejoicing and singing unto the Lord. I realize that it is sometime very hard to rejoice and sing unto the Lord when you are in deep pain but the Lord knows what you are going through and He said in Matt. 28:20 that He would be with you!


One of the most used tactics that Satan uses is to flood the media with untruths so that it inters the conscious of the people and they begin to reflect what he is saying. You are being influenced by the news broadcast that you listen to. Jesus said in Luke 8:18, (NIV)


"Therefore, consider carefully how you listen.


Just as the angels brought good news to the world on that night, I bring you good news. The power of the demonic strongholds on this nation are being broken even at this moment. The Lord told us several months ago that He was going to confuse the enemy and they would turn on each other. We see this happening in our congress. The agenda that this new unlawful administration has brought forth is being unraveled for all to see. The patriots of this nation are far more than those who oppose our firm foundation that was built upon the solid rock of the Word of God! We have weathered the on-rushing flood of the enemy and the Lord has awaken His Church and He is raising us up to be a standard that the enemy cannot defeat.


There is coming, and now is, a great outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord upon His people! The end-time harvest of souls is upon us. This is the time to wage war upon the enemy and the time of preparation is over. Never before have we seen anything like what is happening today! Rejoice and again I say to you rejoice for greater is He that is within us than he that is within the world!


The weapons we fight with are more powerful that any atomic bomb that man has developed. The Word of God penetrates even to the dividing of the spirit and the soul. This coming new year we will see things happen that will boggle the mind. Men and women will fall to their knees and cry out to the Lord to save them. Rejoice and again I say Rejoice!


Begin to look behind what is being told you by the drive by media. Even they will have to admit something strange is going on among the people of God.